About Me

craig fruchtman

  • Smart
  • Funny
  • Creative
  • Witty
  • People Pleaser
  • Artist
  • Photographer

Craig Fruchtman is a photographer and entrepreneur located in NYC.  Self taught with a fierce determination and passion to learn his craft, Craig has captured the NYC life and scene in his own unique style.

The thirst for living and experiencing life is what has drawn Craig to photography. To be able to record and share his own unique perspective on what make the NYC life so special.

His work has also taken him outside of NYC as well and all of his pictures can be viewed on his instagram page @craigsbeds.

Why the name @craigsbeds you may ask? Craig also owns a boutique mattress store in NYC called Craig’s Beds where in addition to selling beds to the public he also has many of his favorite photographs on display for all to see who visit the showroom.

Common question he gets asked is how do you get good at photography? His answer is “Like everything you have to practice, you have to prepare and you have to research….But most importantly you must live with your eyes wide open to discern from the ordinary to extraordinary…. You have to taste struggle, failure and victory….. You have to look at things with experience and at the same time look at things as a child would … You have to see something or have an idea for something that you find amazing and learn to translate that in a photograph.”

To learn more about Craig’s photography and service just click on the link on the contact page and schedule time to visit his store where he prints all of his work in house.

Below is one of Craigs art projects a bed made out of gummy bears
designed to raise his brand awareness and money for his Alzheimer’s